We mainly export our products to European and Middle Eastern markets. In Europe, we sell through distributors, wherein ourCompany does subcontract manufacturing for the distributors under their brand. The orders for the European business are fairlystable year on year basis, with exception during the period prior to snowfall in European countries, which generally lasts fromJuly till September. Our Middle East business is driven through agents who works in mega projects on behalf of our Companyand they typically carry minimal stocks and supply to the projects directly. Our Company has successfully given designsolutions and castings to various prestigious projects in Middle East like New Hamad Port Project (Qatar), New Turkish AirBase (Qatar), Airport expansion project in Oman, Dubai South developmental project, Lusail FIFA Stadium project, Al Barwahproject in Doha to name a few. There is no seasonality in Middle East business except for the month of Ramadan, whereconstruction activities take a dip.Our Company has a manufacturing facility and warehouse in the state of West Bengal at Jhanjra Village Road, P.S. Faridpur,P.O. Laudoha, Durgapur, District Burdwan – 713385, spreading over approximately 20 acres of land. Our manufacturing facilityhas a production capacity of 72,000 MT per annum. We have automated and upgraded most of our production parameters, likeour sand plant, chemical and mechanical laboratory, automatic high pressure moulding lines, automatic metal pouring and more.Further, our Company has also ventured into robotics by having the best in practice robotic arms for painting and grinding.Such technology upgrades have benefited us in multiple ways such as - low power consumption, improved productionefficiency, higher utilization rate, and higher profit margin. Such factors are anticipated to propel the growth of the Companyin the market.